A current awareness blog produced on behalf of the MA Refugee Studies course at the University of East London (UEL). Please feel free to use this site and we welcome any comments or feedback that you may have.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Last Entry for Two Weeks
This is a quick message on behalf of the Refugee Archives service here at UEL. This will be the last entry on this blog for a period of two weeks, due to staff taking annual leave. This Blog will br resumed when I return to the the office on Monday 7th Apeil 2008.
Many thanks for your support.
Yours Sincerely,
Paul Dudman
News Stories (20/03/08)
New 'Bin Laden tape' threatens EU (BBC News) - [text online]
Zimbabwe rejects free poll fears (BBC News) - [text online]
Removed Ghanaian dies of cancer (BBC News) - [text online]
Bail denied for Khmer Rouge head (BBC News) - [text online]
Nepal action on Tibet 'excessive' (BBC News) - [text online]
Bin Laden in video threat to EU over cartoons (The Independent) - [text online]
Mugabe opponents face violent attacks ahead of elections (The Independent) - [text online]
Foreign Office minister calls on Olympians to speak out (The Independent) - [text online]
Deported Ghanaian dies of cancer (The Guardian) - [text online]
From Baghdad to Britain (The Guardian) - [text online]
Somali refugee community takes lead in local integration in South Africa (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Kites and spirits soar at UNHCR spring festival in Pakistan (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Bin Laden threatens Europe as President Bush claims victory in Iraq (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
TIMOR-LESTE: IDPs begin to return home as security improves (IRIN News) - [text online]
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Humanitarian satellite channel to be launched by end of 2008 (IRIN News) - [text online]
KENYA: State failed to protect citizens during unrest - UN report (IRIN News) - [text online]
Central African Republic: Chadian Army Attacks, Burns Border Villages (allafrica.com) - [text online]
Afghanistan must do more to address impunity, advance human rights – UN (UN News) - [text online]
UN Population Fund joins in Congolese campaign against sexual violence (UN News) - [text online]
DR Congo: UN mission says Katanga conditions still suitable for refugee returns (UN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE : The Challenges of Displacement in the 21st Century
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE : The Challenges of Displacement in the 21st Century
by Mr António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
The 2008 IRC-UK Annual Lecture
Monday 16th June at 7pm
at The Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore (Exhibition Road
Entrance), London SW7 2AR
Tickets: Lecture £15.00 (concessions £8.00); Lecture and post lecture
reception £30.
For reservations please call the IRC-UK events line: +44 (0)20 7692 2737
(Monday to Friday 0900 - 1730)
All proceeds from the evening will go towards the IRC's work.
Note: The material contained in this communication comes to you from the
Forced Migration Discussion List which is moderated by the Refugee Studies
Centre (RSC), University of Oxford. It does not necessarily reflect the
views of the RSC or the University. If you re-print, copy, archive or
re-post this message please retain this disclaimer. Quotations or extracts
should include attribution to the original sources.
List archives are available at:
Posted in: Conferences and Meetings.
Conferences and Other News
First Podcast from IASFM Conference
As promised in this earlier post, Forced Migration Online (FMO) has released the first of a planned series of podcasts recorded during the 11th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) conference, which was held in Cairo earlier this year. The theme of the initial plenary was "Emerging patterns of irregularity and their effects among migrants and refugees in the
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
The Global Database on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement was recently launched by the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement and the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM). Its aim is to facilitate the development of national legal and policy frameworks on internal displacement by providing "instant access to official documents, including recommendations of United Nations treaty-monitoring bodies, reports of UN charter bodies, and UN General Assembly resolutions about the rights of these IDPs."
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Minority Rights Group International (MRG) just launched the online World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. Now it has released the 2008 edition of the State of the World's Minorities. The volume can be downloaded in its entirety or by chapter. Contents include thematic articles such as "climate change and minorities" and regional sections with an initial introduction to relevant issues affecting the region, followed by profiles of minority populations in individual countries.
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Citizens Speak Consultation: How Should Asylum Seekers be treated?
An independent enquiry into the
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
Advisory Board on Naturalisation and Integration: Citizenship in the Community Conference, 21st May 2008
A conference to consider the Government’s proposals for further reform on citizenship. For more details and to express interest e-mail Imran Khan imran.khan@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
2008 Perrie Lectures- Outsiders Inside: Foreign Nationals, Detention and Crime,
Speakers include Donna Covey Chief Executive of the Refugee Council, Jonathan Lindley Strategic Director for Enforcement, Borders and Immigration Agency.
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
Organised by UNISON and the British Association of Social Workers and looking at refugee, asylum seeker, migrant and trafficked children. Email dave@abelard.org.uk for details.
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
Refuge in Films 2008 is now receiving submissions of new films about refugees and immigration matters. Last year the festival screened 30 films, from refugee community productions to mainstream films.Deadline:
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
STAR (Student Action for refugees) has launched a new interactive online resource for young people. RefugeeMap is a collaborative Wiki providing easy and accessible information for volunteers, especially young people, working with refugees in
(Source: Welcome To Your Library - http://www.welcometoyourlibrary.org.uk/)
Posted in: News /and Conferences and Meetings.
New Reports and Publications
Iraqi crisis fuels rise in asylum seekers in industrialised world (UNHCR Briefing Paper) - [text online]. The full report is also available online at: "Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries, 2007."
Immigration bail hearings by video link: a monitoring exercise by Bail for Immigration Detainees and the Refugee Council [March 2008]
Refugee Council response to the Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into Human Trafficking [February 2008]
The Destitution Tally: an indication of the extent of destitution among asylum seekers and refugees [January 2008]
(Source: UNHCR Refworld - www.UNHCR.org/Refworld)
February 2008.
Available online at: http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=47c6aa6e2
(Source: UNHCR Refworld - www.UNHCR.org/Refworld)
UNHCR Manual on a Community Based Approach in UNHCR Operations
March 2008.
Available Online at: http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=47da54722
(Source: UNHCR Refworld - www.UNHCR.org/Refworld)
Research report for the Lord Goldsmith Citizenship Review for ippr, by Jill Rutter, Maria Latorre and Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah. It examines how the Government might respond to the fact that fewer people are willing to take up British citizenship or able to establish long-term roots within communities.
(Source: Welcome To Your Library - www.welcometoyourlibrary.org.uk).
Research Service, Feb. 2008) - http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS22810.pdf
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
- Issues discussed include protracted refugee situations, supporting the
return and reintegration of displaced populations, assessing unmet needs of
populations of concern, among others.
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Assessment on psychosocial needs of Iraqis displaced in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Claiming Asylum at a Screening Unit as an Unaccompanied Minor (Children's Commissioner, March 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Baraka, H., “Palestinians in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Gammeltoft-Hansen, T., "The Refugee, the Sovereign and the Sea: EU Interdiction Policies in the
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Humanitarian Policy Group, “Humanitarian action in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com).
Download the newsletter at:
http://www.noborders.org.uk/uploads/NbNewsletter3.pdf (pdf file, 176kb)
(Source: IRR News – http://www.irr.org.uk).
March 2008
(Source: UNHCR Refworld - www.UNHCR.org/Refworld)
Posted in: Publications.
News Stories (19/03/08)
Zimbabwe election run-up 'flawed' (BBC News) - [text online]
UN envoy disappointed over Burma (BBC News) - [text online]
Kosovo riots 'were orchestrated' (BBC News) - [text online]
Dalai Lama threatens to stand down over violence as China calls him a liar (The Times) - [text online]
Robert Fisk: The only lesson we ever learn is that we never learn (The Independent) - [text online]
Dalai Lama threatens to quit over Tibet violence (The Independent) - [text online]
The Big Question: Who is the Dalai Lama, and why is he the focus of protests over Tibet? (The Independent) - [text online]
Our legacy is a dark and forbidding place of militias (The Independent) - [text online]
Military law imposed on divided Kosovo town after Serb rioting (The Independent) - [text online]
Report on 2007 Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialised Countries (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]. he full report is also available online at: "Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries, 2007."
Situation of Palestinians on Iraq-Syria border continues to deteriorate (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
Chad: Central African Refugees moved away from border in south (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
Kindness of strangers eases refugees' arrival in United States (UNHCR News) - [text online]
UNHCR concerned about situation of Palestinians on Iraq border (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Deportations to Zimbabwe as 'no general risk' (The Independent on Sunday) - [text online]
(Source: IRR News - http://www.irr.org.uk)
Service for asylum seekers launched (Bradford telegraph & Argus) - [text online]
(Source: IRR News - http://www.irr.org.uk)
Iraqi Refugees: Improve UN Outreach in Syria (Refugees International) - [Download a .pdf of this information here.]
Balkans: NATO, UN warn Serbs after deadly Mitrovica riots (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Humanitarian action in Iraq: Putting the pieces together - ODI-HPG (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Iraq 5 Years On: Agencies from both sides of the Atlantic make plea for more help for refugees (Refugee Archive Poliblog) - [text online]
Keeping children safe from harm (Refugee Council Poliblog) - [text online]
One in five Iraqis displaced or refugees - agency (Reuters AlertNet) - [text online]
Sudan: Factions Delaying Darfur Peace Deal, Says Unamid Force Chief (allafrica.com) - [text online]
Sudanese-Chadian relations vital to ending Darfur conflict, says UN envoy (UN News) - [text online]
All States should sign global pact against racial discrimination – UN rights chief (UN News) - [text online]
Iraqi crisis fuels rise in asylum-seekers in industrialized world – UN report (UN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
News Stories (18/03/08)
Trial of Chinese activist begins (BBC News) - [text online]
Ukrainian officer dies in Kosovo (BBC News) - [text online]
Iraqi asylum seeker numbers jump (BBC News) - [text online]
Tibetan prisoners are paraded on trucks as China tightens its grip (BBC News) - [text online]
China crackdown silences Tibet protests (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
UN and Nato forces attacked in Kosovo (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
Gordon Brown's pragmatic war on terror (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
China prepares for crackdown by clearing Tibetan capital of witnesses (The Independent) - [text online]
Number of Iraqis claiming asylum in Europe doubles (The Independent) - [text online]
Dozens hurt as Serbs go on rampage in Kosovo (The Independent) - [text online]
Chaos in Iraq sparks surge in EU asylum applications (The Guardian) - [text online]
Iraqi crisis fuels rise in asylum seekers in industrialised world (UNHCR Briefing Paper) - [text online]. The full report is also available online at: "Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries, 2007."
Iraqi crisis fuels rise in asylum seekers in industrialized world (UNHCR News) - [text online]
One Macedonian town's waste is refugees' livelihood (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Refugee Council response to Lord Goldsmith's citizenship review (Refugee Council) - [text online]
4 out of 10 of the asylum seekers seeking our help are destitute, say refugee agencies (Refugee Council) - [text online]
Bail system 'not set up to get a fair hearing' says Refugee Council (Refugee Council) - [text online]
House of Lords publishes Enquiry into Frontex (Refugee Council) - [text online]
Support withdrawn from 1400 Iraqis following Home Office announcement (Refugee Council) - [text online]
Kenyan Elections inquiry commission to be inaugurated (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
UN and African Union envoys begin informal consultations with Darfur partners (UN News) - [text online]
MAURITANIA-SENEGAL: Fears of lack of preparation abate as refugee returns escalate (IRIN News) - [text online]
Security still ‘major constraint’ in Afghanistan relief efforts – UN official (UN News) - [text online]
MAURITANIA: "We are happy to welcome back our brothers and sisters" (IRIN News) - [text online]
KENYA: Tension high as hundreds flee clash-torn Laikipia (IRIN News) - [text online]
KENYA: Human Rights Watch urges inquiry into post-election violence (IRIN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Monday, 17 March 2008
News Stories (17/03/08)
China denies Tibet death reports (BBC News) - [text online]
Bleak picture of Iraq conditions (BBC News) - [text online]
Kenya poll violence 'was planned' (BBC News) - [text online]
Milosevic allies trial to begin (BBC News) - [text online]
Chad rebels dismiss peace accord (BBC News) - [text online]
Dalai Lama condemns China's 'cultural genocide' of Tibet (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
Surrender by midnight or pay the penalty, China tells rioters in Tibet (The Times) - [text online]
Dalai Lama attacks 'cultural genocide' (The Independent) - [text online]
Warlords turn to ivory trade to fund slaughter of humans (The Independent) - [text online]
EU boycotts China oil firm over funding of Darfur regime (The Independent) - [text online]#
Class issues are far from black and white (The Guardian) - [text online]
UNHCR transfers more than 1,300 refugees from Chad border to camps (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Mauritania repatriation operation picks up with second convoy (UNHCR News) - [text online]
UNHCR steps up voluntary repatriation to Southern Sudan (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
Chad / Darfur / Cameroon / Central African Republic displacement (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
New UNHCR field office in northern Ecuador (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
Senegal: Voluntary repatriation of Mauritanian refugees (UNHCR Briefing Note) - [text online]
China: Restrain Forces From Violently Attacking Protesters in Tibet (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]
Support withdrawn from 1400 Iraqis following Home Office announcement (Refugee Council) - [text online]
SRI LANKA: Spreading the news to IDPs (IRIN News) - [text online]
Mexico: despite progress, much remains to be done for migrants, says UN rights expert (UN News) - [text online]
Iraqi NGOs receive funding boost from UN to launch electoral education campaign (UN News) - [text online]
IRAQ: Compounds for IDPs should not be a permanent solution, officials warn (IRIN News) - [text online]
Iraq: UN report on rights violations says violent attacks in decline (UN News) - [text online]
UN agency steps up pace of refugee returns to southern Sudan (UN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Friday, 14 March 2008
News Stories (14/03/08)
Sudan and Chad strike peace deal (BBC News) - [text online]
Taylor 'made rebels eat enemies' (BBC News) - [text online]
Yemeni describes CIA secret jails (BBC News) - [text online]
India to hold Tibetans two weeks (BBC News) - [text online]
Flexible immigration policy call (BBC News) - [text online]
Tibet monks attempt suicide as China intensifies siege (The Times) - [text online]
Iraqi interpreters and families prepare for new lives in Britain (The Times) - [text online]

John McCain: Early US pull-out from Iraq will cause 'genocide' (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]
Victory for Kazemi as Home Secretary halts deportation to Iran (The Independent) - [text online]
China admits sending in troops to quell Tibetan monk demos (The Independent) - [text online]
Manacled, starved, beaten: a rendition victim's story (The Independent) - [text online]
Hanging horror of immigrant (The Huddersfield Daily Examiner) - [text online]
Deportation order on gay Iranian to be reviewed (The Guardian) - [text online]
Aid workers struggle to deal with influx from Central African Republic (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Cash grants help Burundian returnees rebuild their lives (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Iraqi Refugees: Perspectives from Afar (Refugees International World:bridge Blog) - [text online]
Eastern Chad under severe humanitarian strain, UN official says (UN News) - [text online]
Displaced Kenyans reluctant to return home, UN reports (UN News) - [text online]
Rwandan armed groups in eastern DR Congo must surrender – Security Council (UN News) - [text online]
African Union, UN envoys to hold consultations to spark Darfur peace process (UN News) - [text online]
CHAD: A semblance of education for a displaced child (IRIN News) - [text online]
Hollywood humanitarians assist critical UN air operations in Darfur (UN News) - [text online]
SUDAN: "Commitment to CPA at critical stage" (IRIN News) - [text online]
GHANA-LIBERIA: Refugees protest repatriation (IRIN News) - [text online]
Somalia: "Neglected" conflict displaces 20,000 every month (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Iraq: Lack of access severely constrains humanitarian assessments (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Thursday, 13 March 2008
New Publications and Reports
Children’s Commissioner's 'uncovers a series of unacceptable practices' The Children’s Commissioner Professor Sir Al Aynsley Green today released a report into the treatment of unaccompanied children seeking asylum at the Border and Immigration Agency Screening Unit in Croydon. The report was severely critical of the way children were dealt with, and made a series of detailed recommendations. Children’s Commissioner: Report on claiming asylum at a screening unit as an unaccompanied child Refugee Council press release: Refugee Council supports report from the Children's Commissioner
(Source: Refugee Council – http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/).
Refugee Council press release: Refugee Council responds to latest asylum statistics
BIA press release: Lowest number of asylum application in 14 yearsBIA Stats review: Refugee Council response to “Review of Border and Immigration Agency Statistics on Control of Immigration" [February 2008]Home Office: Press Release on Asylum Statistics - http://press.homeoffice.gov.uk/press-releases/lowest-asylum-apps-in-14-years
HomeOffice: Asylum Statistics: 4th Quarter 2007 (PDF)
How it was reported in the media:
Times: Asylum removals slump as applications rise and Scotsman: Asylum seeker applications at 14-year low
(Source: Refugee Council – http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/).
Refugee Council Submission to the Lord Goldsmith QC Citizenship Review [January 2008]
(Source: Refugee Council – http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/).
Asylum Law and Female Genital Mutilation: Recent Developments (Congressional Research Service, Feb. 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Iraqi Asylum Seekers in Jordan: A Report of the ICMC-USCCB Mission to Assess the Protection Needs of Iraqi Asylum Seekers in Jordan (International Catholic Migration Commission, Dec. 2007) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
The Meeting Room: Libraries as Community Centers for Culturally Diverse Populations (Paper presented at 16th BOBCATSSS Symposium 2008, 28-30 Jan. 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Welcome to
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
International Women's Day: UNHCR launches handbook for protection of women (UNHCR News) - [text online]
The Destitution Tally: an indication of the extent of destitution among asylum seekers and refugees [January 2008]. The full report by the Refugee Council et al is also available online - [download report here]. A press release by the Refugee Council, entitled: 4 out of 10 of the asylum seekers seeking our help are destitute, say refugee agencies is also available online - [text online].
(Source: Refugee Council - http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk).
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
- Issues discussed include protracted refugee situations, supporting the return and reintegration of displaced populations, assessing unmet needs of populations of concern, among others.
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
"Managing Migration: The Global Challenge," Population Bulletin, vol. 63, no.1 (March 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Migration and Climate Change, IOM Migration Research Series, no. 31 (IOM, 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
UNHCR Observations on the Commission Proposal for a Council Directive Amending Directive 2003/109/EC Establishing a Long-Term Residence Status to Extend its Scope to Beneficiaries of International Protection (UNHCR, 2008) [text]
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
UNHCR second rapid assessment of return of Iraqis from displacement locations in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
Examines the constant tightening of EU border controls having a major impact in preventing refugees from seeking asylum in
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council - www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/)
Download the briefing paper at:
http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf/campacc_briefing_2008.pdf (pdf file, 2.3mb)
(Source: Institute for Race Relations – http://www.irr.org.uk)
The Children's Commissioner has published a report: 'The Children's Commissioner's findings and recommendations regarding the care of unaccompanied asylum seeking children in the London Borough of Hillingdon'.
Download the report at:
https://www.childrenscommissioner.org/documents/Hilligdon_FINAL4.pdf (pdf file, 600kb)
(Source: Institute for Race Relations – http://www.irr.org.uk)
The Border and Immigration Agency of the Home Office has published: 'Introducing compulsory identity cards for foreign nationals'.
Download the report at:
http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/managingourborders/compulsoryidcards/IDcards/foreignnationalsforidcards.pdf?view=Binary (pdf file, 640kb
(Source: Institute for Race Relations – http://www.irr.org.uk)
Source - UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Date - Sep 2007
URL Address -
(Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/)
Title - Civil-Military Guidelines & Reference for Complex Emergencies
Source - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Date - Mar 2008
URL Address -
(Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/)
Title - Legalising a Contemporary "War of Peace": A Case for Humanitarian
Intervention in the Sudan
Source - Journal of Humanitarian Assistance
Date - Nov 2004
URL Address -
(Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/)
Source - Development Initiatives
Date - Mar 2008
URL Address -
(Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/)
Posted in: Publications.
New Periodicals and Journals
IAP Newsletter. February edition No. 73
This edition features: Changes in Section 4 regulations, forthcoming changes in IAP and changes to the BIA, Barbardos “Like Any Other Child” report, BIA’s reform or Services to Unaccompanied Children and an update from the National Asylum Stakeholders Forum.
IAP Newsletter January 2008 (PDF)
This edition features: Changes in procedure regarding Section 4 accommodation, an update on the Case Resolution Directorate and an update on Migrant Helpline’s alternative to Detention project.
(Source: Refugee Council – http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/).
AWR Bulletin, vol. 45, no. 4 (2007) [contents]
- Mix of articles on asylum and migration policies in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Journal of Refugee and Migration Issues, vol. 4, no. 1 (2008) [contents]
- Two articles, including one on immigration and asylum law in
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Refugee Survey Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 4 (2007) [contents]
- This issue reproduces presentations to the 12th Annual Humanitarian Conference of Webster University,
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
Women's Asylum News, no. 73 (March 2008) [text via Refworld]
- From the Refugee Women's Resource Project (RWRP).
(Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog - http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/)
News Stories (13/03/08)
E Guinea exile wins asylum right (BBC News) - [text online]
Indian police halt Tibetan march (BBC News) - [text online]
PM pressed to step up Darfur sanctions after fresh wave of violence (The Independent) - [text online]
China bans climbers from Everest to keep Tibet protests from torch run (The Independent) - [text online]
Peers lobby Smith to halt deportation of gay Iranian (The Independent) - [text online]
Balkans: 'Kosovo shall remain a part of Serbia forever' - foreign minister (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Nepal: IDPs being neglected by government, say aid workers (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Humanitarian action in Iraq: Putting the pieces together - ODI-HPG (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Kenya: Reconciliation key to returning home, say IDPs (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Somalia: Mogadishu's IDPs receive shelter - NRC (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
'The treatment is humiliating' (The Guardian) - [text online]
Iraqi asylum seekers given deadline to go home or face destitution in UK (The Guardian) - [text online]
Refugees in PNG travel the road to self-reliance (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Border policing strengthened (Home Office: Border & Immigration Agency) - [text online]
Burundi: Investigate Attacks on Opposition (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]
4 out of 10 of the asylum seekers seeking our help are destitute, say refugee agencies (Refugee Council) - [text online]. The full report by the Refugee Council et al is also available online - [download report here].
Refugee Council repsonse to Lord Goldsmith's citizenship review (Refugee Council) - [text online]. The report can also be viewed online at: http://www.justice.gov.uk/reviews/citizenship.htm
Burma: Meeting Humanitarian Needs (Refugees International World:bridge Blog) - [text online]
China: Beijing’s Migrant Construction Workers Abused (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]
BURUNDI: Returning home after 35 years (IRIN News) - [text online]
AFGHANISTAN: UN Secretary-General warns of threats to "still fragile" country (UN News) - [text online]
Uganda defies war crimes court over indictments (The Guardian) - [text online]
Sudan warns west of 'Iraq-style disaster' in Darfur (The Guardian) - [text online]
Ban Ki-moon attends ‘mini-summit’ on Sudanese-Chadian relations (UN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
News Stories (12/03/08)
Gay Iranian man loses asylum plea (BBC News) - [text online]
Scots lead rebellion against oath of allegiance (The Times) - [text online]
Darfur's return to hell (The Independent) - [text online]
Gay teenager faces return to Iran after Dutch ruling (The Independent) - [text online]
Pupils 'to take oath of allegiance' in drive to boost national pride (The Independent) - [text online]
Funding crisis threatens Khmer Rouge trials (The Independent) - [text online]
Anger over 'racist eviction' of Aboriginals from hostel (The Independent) - [text online]
Croatian general accused of ethnic cleansing against Serbs goes on trial (The Independent) - [text online]
UNHCR begins programme to resolve situation of 1972 Burundian refugees (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Old men keep the ghosts at bay in Colombian village (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Vulnerable refugees from Bhutan spearhead resettlement from Nepal (UNHCR News) - [text online]
International Women's Day: Text messages spotlight abuse of Congolese refugee women (UNHCR News) - [text online]
The registration of refugees in Zambia passes another milestone (UNHCR News) - [text online]
UNHCR moves vulnerable Sudanese refugees to inland Chad camps (UNHCR News) - [text online]
International Women's Day Q&A: Serving the cause of Congolese women (UNHCR News) - [text online]
International Women's Day: UNHCR launches handbook for protection of women (UNHCR News) - [text online]
Pervez's brother comes to Paris to press for release (The Independent) - [text online]
Migrants vanish after police put them on train (The Guardian) - [text online]
EU told to prepare for flood of climate change migrants (The Guardian) - [text online]
£15,000 for asylum seeker illegally detained in UK (The Guardian) - [text online]
Migrant workers in Northern Ireland too easy to exploit, claim unions (The Guardian) - [text online]
Kenya: Hundreds flee, several dead in army offensive (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
DR Congo: Kivu peace deal failing to deliver (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Somalia: Concern over worsening humanitarian situation - ICRC (ReliefWeb) - [text online]
Bail system 'not set up to get a fair hearing' says Refugee Council (Refugee Council) - [text online]
House of Lords publishes Enquiry into Frontex (Refugee Council) - [text online]
Ban Ki-moon fulfils pledge of $10,000 to assist survivors in Rwanda (UN News) - [text online]
UN and partners pinpoint unmet humanitarian needs in Liberia (UN News) - [text online]
UN unveils handbook for civil-military coordination in humanitarian crises (UN News) - [text online]
Top UN official urges pressure on Darfur combatants to lay down arms (UN News) - [text online]
Former Bosnian Croat leaders refused temporary leave by UN war crimes tribunal (UN News) - [text online]
Selected News Sources:
BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/
The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/
The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/
The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html
UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html
UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/
ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int
Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/