Tuesday, 31 March 2009

A Selection of News Headlines (31/03/2009)

Hundreds feared drowned off Libya (BBC News) - [text online]

Khmer Rouge leader admits crimes (BBC News) - [text online]

Clinton urges Afghanistan unity (BBC News) - [text online]

Court hears Khmer Rouge testimony (BBC News) - [text online]

Torture inquiry reveals 15 new cases (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Leading article: In need of security – and a strategy to tackle the terror (The Independent) - [text online]

Britain's 'shameful' failure to respond to UN calls for aid (The Independent) - [text online]

Australians do battle over the prefab huts of Pommy Town (The Independent) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : Somalia: Situation Report No. 13, 20 - 27 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : Sudan: OCHA Situation Report No. 3, 27 Mar 2009 - Expulsion of key NGOs from Darfur
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Hundreds of colleges refused permission to take overseas students (The Guardian) - [text online]

Who would want to be British? (The Guardian) - [text online]

Failed asylum seekers not entitled to free NHS treatment (The Guardian) - [text online]

Rock and a hard place (The Guardian) - [text online]

Tough new rules to target bogus education cheats (Home Office Press Release) - [text online]

Kenya: End Abuse and Neglect of Somali Refugees (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]

Arab States: Press Sudan on Darfur Aid (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]

Escalating violence uproots tens of thousands of Central Africans, UN says (UN News) - [text online]

UN refugee agency deplores deaths of hundreds bound for Europe off Libyan coast (UN News) - [text online]

Egyptian troops arrive in Darfur to boost African Union-UN force (UN News) - [text online]

AFGHANISTAN: Food aid not reaching most vulnerable women, children
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SUDAN: Expulsions leave gaps in Three Areas, eastern region
(IRIN News) - [text online]

ANGOLA-ZAMBIA: Refugees get cold feet
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Friday, 27 March 2009

A Selection of News Headlines (27/03/2009)

Sarkozy outlines Congo peace plan (BBC News) - [text online]

UN urges Sudanese rethink on aid (BBC News) - [text online]

Mystery over Sudan 'air strike' (BBC News) - [text online]

UN in call for Sri Lanka 'pause' (BBC News) - [text online]

Binyam Mohamed: Police are to investigate MI5 over torture allegations (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Police to investigate MI5 over Guantánamo torture claims (The Times) - [text online]

Israel suspected of bombing Sudan arms convoy headed for Gaza (The Times) - [text online]

Police launch investigation of MI5 over torture claims (The Independent) - [text online]

The terror suspect, the agent, and 15 months of hell in a Moroccan jail (The Independent) - [text online]

Saad Rafiq Hariri: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon offers us a chance for recovery (The Independent) - [text online]

Women told: 'You have dishonoured your family, please kill yourself' (The Independent) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report 18 - 24 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Gurkhas closer to decision on UK status after forcing new high court hearing (The Guardian) - [text online]

Spreading conflict in Central African Republic forces civilians into Chad (UNHCR) - [text online]

Thousands of Somalis continue to flee to north-eastern Kenya (UNHCR) - [text online]

Displacement in the north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (UNHCR) - [text online]

Mobile registration project for Colombian refugees in Ecuador (UNHCR) - [text online]

UNHCR issues educational toolkit on asylum and migration in Europe (UNHCR) - [text online]

Identifying and filling critical gaps priority in Darfur aid effort – UN relief chief (UN News) - [text online]

Information saves lives in humanitarian emergencies, UN official stresses (UN News) - [text online]

Iraqi painters’ work showcased by UN refugee agency (UN News) - [text online]

Sudan: UN assists ex-combatants in north-south conflict to return to civilian life (UN News) - [text online]

PAKISTAN: Some 1,500 IDPs clash with police
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SOMALIA: Thousands need aid to return home from Somaliland
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

A Selection of News Headlines (26/03/2009)

Sarkozy visits Congolese leader (BBC News) - [text online]

Iraq inquiry set up 'after July' (BBC News) - [text online]

Sri Lanka army 'repulses Tigers' (BBC News) - [text online]

British-run orphanage in Bangladesh 'is Islamist training camp' (The Times) - [text online]

Pakistani region where the brutal Taleban have taken control (The Times) - [text online]

Iraq war inquiry will be held in private (The Independent) - [text online]

UK charity connected to 'terror camp' (The Independent) - [text online]

Survey shows few Angolan refugees wish to repatriate to Angola (UNHCR) - [text online]

Iraqi artists in Syria get a rare chance to exhibit their work (UNHCR) - [text online]

BANGLADESH: Fears for social stability as migrant workers return
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SYRIA: Controversial training for Iraqi refugees
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Sri Lanka: conditions unstable for civilians trapped in conflict (UN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

New Online Reports and Research Publications

Please find below a list of updated and new publications on refugee studies and related topics. These have been accumulated from a range of online sources and links to the relevant full-text document are given where appropriate. This list will be made available on a regular basis via our Refugee Studies blog (http://refugee-archives.blogspot.com), as new resources become available.

If you find any other new resources, then do please let us know at: library-archives@uel.ac.uk.

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Title: Asylum Aid’s comments on EU Qualification and Procedures Directives.

Authors: Asylum Aid.
Publication Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.asylumaid.org.uk/data/files/publications/92/AA_comments_on_EU_Qualification_and_Procedures_Directives_Jan_2009.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Does every child matter? Children seeking asylum in Britain.

Authors: Refugee and Migrant Justice.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://refugee-migrant-justice.org.uk/downloads/RMJ_Doeseverychild_Report2.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: UNHCR Comments on the European Commission's Proposal for a recast of the Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum-seekers.

Authors: UNHCR.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49ba8a192.html
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Safeguarding children in Scotland who may have been trafficked.

Authors: Scottish Government.
Publication Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/261528/0078243.pdf
Source: The Network EBulletin – http://www.seapn.org.uk/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: UNHCR comments on the European Commission's Proposal …

Authors: UNHCR.
Publication Date: 18 March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49c0ca922.html
Source: UNHCR Refworld – http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: UNHCR Note on the Interpretation of Article 1E of the 1951 Convention
relating to the Status of Refugees.

Authors: UNHCR.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49c3a3d12.html
Source: UNHCR Refworld – http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Increasing Respect for International Humanitarian Law in
Non-international Armed Conflicts.

Authors: ICRC.
Publication Date: February 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/PSLG-7Q8JSY?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb– http://www.reliefweb.org/ (Web).

Additional Info:

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Title: Detained and Dismissed: Women’s Struggles to Obtain Health Care in United States Immigration Detention.

Authors: Human Rights Watch.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/03/16/detained-and-dismissed
Source: Human Rights Watchhttp://www.hrw.org/ (Web).

Additional Info: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/03/16/detained-and-dismissed-0

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Annotated bibliography on IDPs in Georgia.

Authors: Transparency International.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/SODA-7QBP43?OpenDocument&RSS20&RSS20=FS
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Text via ReliefWeb.

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Title: Breaking the Chains: Combating Human Trafficking at the State Level.

Authors: Boston College Third World Law Journal, vol. 29, no. 1.
Publication Date: Winter 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.bc.edu/schools/law/lawreviews/meta-elements/journals/bctwj/29_1/twlj_29_1_web.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Article starts on Page 151.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Field Guide to Humanitarian Mapping.

Authors: Map Action.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.mapaction.org/content/view/183/59/
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: Key issues: Resettlement programmes and the UK.

Authors: ICAR.
Publication Date: 2009 (updated).
Publication URL Address: http://www.icar.org.uk/download.php?id=536
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: ICAR Briefing Paper.

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Title: Underground Lives: An Investigation into the Living Conditions and Survival Strategies of Destitute Asylum Seekers in the UK.

Authors: PAFRAS.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.pafras.org.uk/documents/UNDERGROUNDLIVES.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Hard copy on order for the Refugee Archive. See also: UK accused over asylum seekers left to live on $1 a day” (The Guardian newspaper) - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/mar/16/asylum-seekers-immigration-poverty

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Title: National Survey of the Refugee Reception and Status Determination System in South Africa.

Authors: FMSP.
Publication Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://migration.org.za/uploads/Press2009/FINALMRMPRefugeeReceptionReport.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: The Prospects of Assisted Voluntary Return among the Sudanese Population in Greater Cairo.

Authors: Center for Migration and Refugee Studies.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.aucegypt.edu/ResearchatAUC/rc/cmrs/reports/Documents/AVR_Final_March10.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

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Title: Protecting Civilians: Key Determinants in the Effectiveness of a Peacekeeping Force.

Authors: Ford Institute for Human Security.
Publication Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.fordinstitute.pitt.edu/newsarticles/Protecting_Civilians_Final_Report.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

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Title: "Stuck" in Egypt: Iraqi refugees' perceptions of their prospects for resettlement to third countries and return to Iraq.

Authors: Center for Migration and Refugee Studies.
Publication Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.aucegypt.edu/ResearchatAUC/rc/cmrs/reports/Documents/CMRS_Reporton_Return_and_Resettlement_For_Web.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

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Title: Determinants Of International Emergency Aid: Humanitarian Need Only?

Authors: Fink, Guenther; Redaelli, Silvia
Publication Date: 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wb/wps4301/2009/00000001/00000001/art04839
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Research Working Papers, March 2009 , pp. 1-38(38).

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Title: In Her Own Words: Iraqi Women Talk about Their Greatest Concerns and Challenges - A Survey.

Authors: Oxfam.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/oxfam-in-her-own-words-iraqi-women-survey-08mar2009.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info:

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Title: Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries – 2008.

Authors: UNHCR.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/statistics/STATISTICS/49c796572.pdf
Source: UNHCR (Statistics) – www.unhcr.org/statistics (Web).

Additional Info: “Statistical overview of asylum applications lodged in Europe and selected non-European countries.” See also: Countries in turmoil fuelling rise in asylum applications, finds UN report (UN News) - [text online]; and Provisional asylum statistics for industrialised countries (UNHCR) - [text online]. See also - www.unhcr.org/statistics

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Title: UNDOCUMENTED CHILDREN IN EUROPE - Invisible Victims of Immigration Restrictions.

Authors: PICUM.
Publication Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.picum.org/data/Undocumented%20Children%20in%20Euorpe%20EN.pdf
Source: PICUM – http://www.picum.org/ (Web).

Additional Info:

Posted in: Publications.

New Journal and Newsletter Volumes

Please find below a list of new and journal and newsletter releases relating to refugee studies and related topics. These have been accumulated from a range of online sources and links to the relevant full-text document are given where appropriate. Alternatively, a link will be given to the associated Table of Contents, (ToC). This list will be made available on a regular basis via our Refugee Studies blog (http://refugee-archives.blogspot.com), as new resources become available.

If you find any other new resources, then do please let us know at: library-archives@uel.ac.uk.

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Title: childRIGHT.

Volume: Number 253.
Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.childrenslegalcentre.com/Publications+Consultancy+and+Training/Publications/childright/childRIGHTsubscribers/contents.htm
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents with selected full text content.

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Title: Disasters.

Volume: Virtual Edition..
Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.odi.org.uk/resources/details.asp?id=3167&title=disasters-theme-issue-indian-ocean-tsunami
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Full text – special edition on the Indian Ocean Tsunami..

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Title: Journal of International Migration and Integration.

Volume: Volume 10 Number 1.
Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v114l0v50768/?p=43b44455694b45728b0936fbfab21c6e&pi=0
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Title: Torture Journal.

Volume: Volume 19 Number 1.
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.irct.org/Latest-issue-3716.aspx
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Full Text and Refugee Archive also holds a subscription.

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Title: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law.

Volume: Volume 10, (2007).
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9789067042703
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

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Title: Global Responsibility to Protect.

Volume: Volume 1 Number 1.
Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address:
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Full text. This new journal "seeks to publish the best and latest research on the R2P principle, its development as a new norm in global politics, its operationalization through the work of governments, international and regional organizations and NGOs, and finally, its relationship and applicability to past and present cases of genocide and mass atrocities including the global response to those cases."

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Title: Medicine, Conflict and Survival.

Volume: Volume 25 Number 1.
Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Econtent=g908959244%7Edb=all
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Title: Social Identities.

Volume: Volume 15 Number 1.
Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Econtent=g908945032%7Edb=all
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents. Special issue on "Living through Terror: (Post) Conflict, (Post) Trauma and the South."

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Title: Women's Asylum News.

Volume: Number 81.
Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.asylumaid.org.uk/data/files/publications/94/Issue_81_for_pdf_FINAL.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

Posted in: Periodicals.

A Selection of News Headlines (25/03/2009).

Joint Darfur aid warning issued (BBC News) - [text online]

Ruling due on terror detentions (BBC News) - [text online]

Rising threat of dirty bomb attack on UK, says Jacqui Smith (The Times) - [text online]

UK faces greater threat of 'dirty bomb' (The Independent) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 12, 16 - 22 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 11, 09 - 15 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : Iraq Humanitarian Update No.4, Feb 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : OCHA Regional Update No. 7 - Cholera/Acute Watery Diarrhea Outbreaks in Southern Africa, 20 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : OPT: Field update on Gaza from the Humanitarian Coordinator, 17 - 23 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

All's not fair in love and immigration (The Guardian) - [text online]

Another year, another immigration Bill (Refugee Council) - [text online]

Egypt / Sudan: Failed opportunity to enforce justice (Amnesty International) - [text online]

Establishing a Special Tribunal for Kenya and the Role of the International Criminal Court (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]

Bangladesh: Investigate Torture Allegations (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]

ZIMBABWE: Unity government going nowhere slowly
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SUDAN: Lost aid expertise hard to replace - UN
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Joint UN and Sudanese assessment of Darfur aid reveals critical gaps (UN News) - [text online]

Central African refugees continue fleeing into Chad, UN reports (UN News) - [text online]

Violence thwarts refugee return to Southern Sudan – UN (UN News) - [text online]

Countries in turmoil fuelling rise in asylum applications, finds UN report (UN News) - [text online]

Violence thwarts refugee return to Southern Sudan – UN (UN News) - [text online]

DR Congo: UN envoy hails new pact with rebels in strife-torn east (UN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

A Selection of News Headlines (24/03/2009)

'Society must help' tackle terror (BBC News) - [text online]

Zimbabwe cholera 'past its peak' (BBC News) - [text online]

Rwandan found guilty of murders (BBC News) - [text online]

UN says Burma detention 'illegal' (BBC News) - [text online]

Ministers spend £90,000 a day on 'soft schemes' to tackle extremism (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Chemical or nuclear attack threat 'more realistic' (The Independent) - [text online]

US tried to gag British man 'tortured' in Guantanamo (The Independent) - [text online]

UN accuses troops of using boy, 11, as human shield (The Independent) - [text online]

Sudanese leader defies arrest warrant with trip to Eritrea (The Independent) - [text online]

Conflicts in Afghanistan and Somalia fuel increase in asylum seekers (UNHCR) - [text online] and [text online]

Insecurity in Southern Sudan affecting refugee returns (UNHCR) - [text online]

Provisional asylum statistics for industrialised countries (UNHCR) - [text online]. See also - www.unhcr.org/statistics

French Navy helps rescue boat people, but seven die in Aden accident (UNHCR) - [text online]

Refugees from Central African Republic continue to arrive in Chad (UNHCR) - [text online]

Democratic Republic of the Congo (UNHCR) - [text online]

UNHCR helps displaced families in northern Iraq (UNHCR) - [text online]

New counter terrorism strategy launched (Home Office Press Release) - [text online]

SUDAN: "Survival package" for Southern children
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SRI LANKA: Thousands flee conflict-hit north
(IRIN News) - [text online]

In Brief: Zimbabwe most at risk of unrest
(IRIN News) - [text online]

At least seven dead in latest smuggling tragedy off Yemeni coast – UN (UN News) - [text online]

UN-AU peacekeeping force carries out anti-banditry patrols in Darfur (UN News) - [text online]

Leaders must put needs of Kosovo’s communities first, says top UN envoy (UN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Monday, 23 March 2009

A Selection of News Stories (23/03/2009).

Clerics warn against Bashir trip (BBC News) - [text online]

UN criticises Israelis over Gaza (BBC News) - [text online]

Thousands getting terror training (BBC News) - [text online]

Tibetan monks 'held after riot' (BBC News) - [text online]

Sudan 'extermination' as aid cut (BBC News) - [text online]

Nine held after deportation demo (BBC News) - [text online]

Nearly 100 Tibet monks held 'after police attack' (The Independent) - [text online]

Week of protest against detention centres (Institute of Race Relations) - [text online]

Staff 'forced to spy on students' (Carrick Gazette) - [text online]

Indonesia: In search of durable solutions (IDMC) - [Full Overview (html / pdf)]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report 11 - 17 Mar 2009 (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

ReliefWeb/OCHA Situation Report : OPT: Field update on Gaza from the Humanitarian Coordinator, 10 - 16 Mar 2009
(ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Britain set to become most populous country in EU (The Guardian0 - [text online]

Fears of anti-immigrant feeling during recession may be misplaced (The Guardian) - [text online]

Migration adviser says companies should train UK staff (The Guardian) - [text online]

Ministers impose £50 levy on economic migrants to pay for public services (The Guardian) - [text online]

What are human rights? (The Guardian) - [text online]

Iraqi refugees leave Jordan, Syria in first resettlement to Germany (UNHCR) - [text online]

Attacks by Hutu rebels causing displacement in Democratic Republic of the Congo (UNHCR) - [text online]

Morocco/Western Sahara: Irene Khan acknowledges positive steps and calls for more progress (Amnesty International) - [text online]

Serbia/Kosovo: Wounds still open 10 years after start of war over Kosovo (Amnesty International) - [text online]

Iraq: civilians still facing hardship every day (ICRC) - [text online]

Sri Lanka: Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to assist displaced persons leaving the conflict zone (ICRC) - [text online]

Would you want to talk about being raped in front of your child? (Refugee Council) - [text online

Britain’s biggest immigration removal centre opens (Home Office Press Release) - [text online]

SOMALIA: Children, IDPs hardest hit by lack of water
(IRIN News) - [text online]

SUDAN: "Hungry people are desperate people"
(IRIN News) - [text online]

TIMOR-LESTE: Dili’s displaced face renewed delays
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Impunity for rights abuses could derail Nepal's peace process, warns UN official (UN News) - [text online]

Racism denies fundamental right to equality, say top UN officials (UN News) - [text online]

UN relief official calls on Sudan to respect humanitarian aid agreements (UN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

Monday, 16 March 2009

New Online Reports and Research Publications

Please find below a list of updated and new publications on refugee studies and related topics. These have been accumulated from a range of online sources and links to the relevant full-text document are given where appropriate. This list will be made available on a regular basis via our Refugee Studies blog (http://refugee-archives.blogspot.com), as new resources become available.

If you find any other new resources, then do please let us know at: library-archives@uel.ac.uk.

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Title: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2008.

Authors: US Department of State.
Publication Date: February 2009..
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/KERN-7PM5CE?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: Deepening Crisis in Gaza: Lessons for Operational Agencies.

Authors: ALNAP.
Publication Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/PSLG-7PKEFT?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: Public Support for Humanitarian Crises through NGOs.

Authors: Development Initiatives.
Publication Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-7PRGL9?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: EU Annual Report on Human Rights 2008.

Authors: European Union.
Publication Date: November 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/KERN-7PT8N6?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: "Here to Stay?" Refugee voices in Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Authors: ECRE.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.ecre.org/resources/ECRE_actions/1322
Source: ECRE – http://www.ecre.org/ (Web).

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Title: The International Criminal Court and Darfur: Questions and Answers.

Authors: FIDH.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49b0e6c52.html
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Iraqi Immigrants in the United States.

Authors: Migration Information Source.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.migrationinformation.org/USfocus/display.cfm?ID=721
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Asylum and Withholding of Removal Relief: Convention Against Torture Protections.

Authors: U.S. Dept. of Justice, EOIR,
Publication Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.usdoj.gov/eoir/press/09/AsylumWithholdingCATProtections.pdf
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Climate Change & Migration, Vijverberg session no. 3.

Authors: SID Netherlands.
Publication Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://sideurope.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/vijverbergiii_dec6921.pdf
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: "The Physical and Mental Health Effects of Iraq War Media Exposure on Iraqi Refugees," Journal of Muslim Mental Health, vol. 3, no. 2.

Authors: Journal of Muslim Mental Health.
Publication Date: September 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content%7Econtent=a907201799%7Edb=all%7Eorder=page
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Human Trafficking and the Effectiveness of Asylum Policies, German Working Papers in Law and Economics.

Authors: By Jenny Monheim.
Publication Date: 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.bepress.com/gwp/default/vol2008/iss1/art3/
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: “In Her Own Words: Iraqi women talk about their greatest concerns and challenges”

Authors: Oxfam International in cooperation with the Iraqi women’s NGO al-Amal.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/oxfam-in-her-own-words-iraqi-women-survey-08mar2009.pdf
Source: IRIN News – http://www.irinnews.org/ (Web).

Additional Info: IRAQ: Iraqi women suffering “silent emergency”, survey finds (IRIN News) - http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?ReportID=83361

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Title: Self-Study Module 3: Interpreting in a Refugee Context.

Authors: UNHCR.
Publication Date: 1 January 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49b6314d2.html
Source: UNHCR Refword– http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain (Web).

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Title: Developments in Dutch Migration and Asylum Policy: 1 January 2007 - 31 December 2007.

Authors: European Migration Network.
Publication Date: Orig. publ. August 2008; revised Jan. 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.ind.nl/nl/Images/NL%20EMN%20NCP%20Annual%20Policy%20Report%202007%20-%20EN%20-%20Revised%20Version_tcm5-183745.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: No direction home? The politics of return for refused asylum seekers.

Authors: PAFRAS
Publication Date: January 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.pafras.org.uk/documents/PAFRAS_Briefing_Paper_8_-_No_direction_home.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: PAFRAS Briefing Paper no. 8.

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Title: Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children.

Authors: Joy Ngozi Ezeilo.
Publication Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/10session/A.HRC.10.16.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Human Rights Council - A/HRC/10/16.

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Title: Swedish Assessment of Multilateral Organisations.

Authors: Swedish Government.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/LSGZ-7PYLHA?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: Translating Standards into Practice: NGO Accountability and Impact
Measurement in Emergencies.

Authors: Emergency Capacity Building Project.
Publication Date: December 2006.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/JBRN-7PZCXQ?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: Danish Refugee Council Position Paper on IDP Protection.

Authors: Danish Refugee Council.
Publication Date: May 2007.
Publication URL Address: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900SID/JBRN-7PZD5Y?OpenDocument
Source: ReliefWeb – http://www.reliefweb.int/ (Web).

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Title: Human insecurity: Climate-induced displacement and international law.

Authors: IntLawGrrls.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://intlawgrrls.blogspot.com/2009/03/climate-induced-displacement.html
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: "Misperceived Child Testimony: Why Credibility Should Be Presumed for Unaccompanied and Separated Children Seeking Asylum," Thomas Jefferson Law Review, vol. 31, no. 1.

Authors: Thomas Jefferson Law Review.
Publication Date: Fall 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.tjeffersonlrev.org/31-1/Estrada.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: "The Principle of Non-refoulement and the Right of Asylum-seekers to Enter State Territory," Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law, vol. 3, no. 1.

Authors: Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law.
Publication Date: 2008-2009.
Publication URL Address:
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Nationality Rights for All: A Progress Report and Global Survey on Statelessness.

Authors: Refugees International.
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.refugeesinternational.org/sites/default/files/RI%20Stateless%20Report_FINAL_031109.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Press Release - http://www.refugeesinternational.org/policy/in-depth-report/nationality-rights-all

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Title: HIV vulnerabilities of migrant women: from Asia to the Arab States.

Authors: UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
Publication Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www2.undprcc.lk/resource_centre/pub_pdfs/P1105.pdf
Source: UN Pulse – http://unhq-appspub-01.un.org/lib/dhlrefweblog.nsf (Web).

Additional Info: UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) released report HIV vulnerabilities of migrant women: from Asia to the Arab States: shifting from silence, stigma and shame to safe mobility with dignity, equity and justice (full-text, 2.27 MB). The report is a result of a study that focused on the vulnerabilities of Asian women who migrate to work in the Arab States. The women migrants, who bring substantial economic benefits for both - countries of origin and host countries, become easy targets for violence and sexual exploitation. Lack of legal coverage and limited or no access to health and social services make these women especially vulnerable to HIV. The report provides methodology of the study, key findings and recommendations, as well as regional analysis, country reports on four countries of origin and three host countries. Blog Release - http://unhq-appspub-01.un.org/lib/dhlrefweblog.nsf/dx/11032009034227PMAABR53.htm

Posted in: Publications.

New Journal and Newsletter Volumes

Please find below a list of new and journal and newsletter releases relating to refugee studies and related topics. These have been accumulated from a range of online sources and links to the relevant full-text document are given where appropriate. Alternatively, a link will be given to the associated Table of Contents, (ToC). This list will be made available on a regular basis via our Refugee Studies blog (http://refugee-archives.blogspot.com), as new resources become available.

If you find any other new resources, then do please let us know at: library-archives@uel.ac.uk.

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Title: Migration.

Volume: Spring 2009.
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/cache/offonce/pid/1674?entryId=23525
Source: IOM – http://www.iom.int/ (Web).

Additional Info: Full Text.

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Title: Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies .

Volume: JVolume 7 Number 1..
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Econtent=g909290967%7Edb=all
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

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Title: Journal of Refugee Studies.

Volume: Volume 22 Number 1.
Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://jrs.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol22/issue1/index.dtl
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents. Full Text. Available in print and online to UEL staff and students.

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Title: Conflict and Health.

Volume: Volume .
Date: Jan. & Feb. 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://conflictandhealth.com/
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Full Text.

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Title: Refugee Rights News.

Volume: Volume 5 Number 1.
Date: February 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.refugee-rights.org/Publications/RRN/2009/February/February.pdf
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

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Title: Refugee Studies Centre Library Accessions List..

Volume: October-December 2008.
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk/library_accessions.html.
Source: Refugee Studies Centre Library – http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk/ (Web).

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Title: African Affairs.

Volume: Volume 108, Number 431.
Date: April 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol108/issue431/index.dtl
Source: Oxford Journals – http://www.oxfordjournals.org/ (Web).

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Title: Migrants Rights Newsletter.

Volume: Number 16.
Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/enews/2009/march.htm
Source: Migrants Rights Network – http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/ (Web).

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Title: Alliance News.

Volume: Number 30.
Date: December 2008.
Publication URL Address: http://www.gaatw.org/publications/Alliance%20News/Alliance_New_Dec_2008_final.pdf
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Produced by the Global Alliance against Traffic in Women. Full Text.

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Title: European Journal of Migration and Law.

Volume: Volume 11 Number 1.
Date: 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mnp/emil/2009/00000011/00000001
Source: Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

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Title: The Researcher.

Volume: Number 12.
Date: March 2009.
Publication URL Address: http://www.ecoi.net/news/65.march-2009-issue-of-the-researcher.htm
Source: Forced migration Current Awareness Blog – http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/ (Web).

Additional Info: Table of Contents.

Posted in: Periodicals.