Wednesday 17 October 2007

News Stories (17/10/07)

Motivated immigrants fill skills gap and solve labour shortages (The Times Online) - [text online]

Home Office: migrants work harder, earn more and pay more tax than Britons (The Independent Online) - [text online]

Legal Opinion: Has
Britain been complicit in a US torture programme? (The Independent Online) - [text online]

Ethiopia's 'own Darfur' as villagers flee government-backed violence (The Independent Online) - [text online]

Migrants are a boon to UK economy, says study (Guardian Online) - [text online]

Migrants - the verdict: hardworking and skilled but with social problems in tow (Guardian Online) - [text online]

Minority and faith groups can help cohesion (Guardian Online) - [text online]

UK better off with immigration, report shows (Guardian Online) - [text online]

Migration 'causes pressure in UK' (BBC News Online) - [text online]

Bashir holds S Sudan crisis talks (BBC News Online) - [text online]

UNHCR resources redeployed to Mauritania (UNHCR News) - [text online]

UNHCR helps Roma group find a new home in Montenegro - [text online]

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