Monday 28 January 2008

News Stories (28/01/08)

Police face riots in west Kenya (BBC News) - [text online]

Egypt watches Gaza traffic go on (BBC News) - [text online]

Dozens die as broadcasts stoke Kenya tension (The Telegraph) - [text online]

Children for sale: UK's new slave trade (The Sunday Telegraph) - [text online]

Return to Fallujah (The Independent) - [text online]

Asylum-seekers awaiting EU court ruling on detention (The Independent) - [text online]

Rift Valley clashes claim 19 lives as Annan makes moves to end crisis (The Independent) - [text online]

Thousands face 'forced evacuation' in Mozambique (The Independent) - [text online]

Turkey divided over headscarf ban decision (The Independent) - [text online]

Student protest halts family's deportation (The Guardian) - [text online]

Forced from the UK, dying in pain - still she thanks Britain's people (The Guardian) - [text online]

Judge attacks home secretary over unlawful detention (The Guardian) - [text online]

Q&A: UNHCR archivists manage more than 50 years of records (UNHCR News) - [text online]

UNHCR resumes repatriation of Congolese in Republic of Congo (UNHCR News) - [text online]

DR Congo: UNHCR cautiously welcomes North Kivu peace deal (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

DR Congo: UN refugee agency resumes cross-river repatriation from ROC (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Senegal: Lack of basics blocks return of war-weary displaced (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

CAR: First IDP site opens in Kabo as number of displaced continues to grow (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Britain's top black police officer: 'We are struggling to cope with immigrant crime wave' (Daily Mail) - [text online]

Migrants send our crime rate soaring (Daily Express) - [text online]

Immigration `stretches police cash' (Daily Express) - [text online]

Iraqi Refugees: Reasons to Hope (Refugees International World:bridge Blog) - [text online]

Holocaust Remembrance Day is a time to teach tolerance - Ban Ki-moon (UN News) - [text online]

IRAQ: Defence ministry asks IDPs to evacuate former military base (IRIN News) - [text online]

KENYA: Nakuru residents join displaced camp in their own town as violence erupts (IRIN News) - [text online]

Posted in: News.

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